When you buy a box of crayons there is always that one crayon that gets left behind...the white one. Unless kids color on black paper, the white crayon is rarely used. Well, now is the time to get creative with it! Have your child use the white crayon to write a secret message or a picture at the front/inside of the card. Give instruction for the recipient to use watercolor to paint the side with the secret message. Such a fun way to send messages and more fun for the friend or family member to use paint in revealing it!
When making these cards, I specially picked the thickness and weight that would accomadate watercolor, markers, and dot stamps. I did not want kids to be restricted in simply using colored pencils and crayons. Multiple tests were done to see if they would bleed through. Unless mulitple coats are done in once place, you cannot see it through the other side. People might think that kids do not need thick/nice cards, but giving them good paper will encourage them to explore in their art and writing. My daughter tells me that she prefers using good paper over "bad" paper (she calls thin paper bad becuase it keeps tearing as she erases, paints...etc.). I hope your kids enjoy creating something great with our stationery!