Here are some of the ways my daughter and her friends write letters back and forth:
Sending stickers: It does not have to be a lot, but adding even a few new stickers to the letter is very exciting for a child. They end up using it right away, but it is the thing they might look forward to every time they get mail.
Asking questions: My daughter and her friends ask questions to each other and answer them with every letter. It has been such a fun routine and it is interesting to see what questions they have (ex. what is your favorite rock).
Guessing game: Kind of like Pictionary. One child draws a picture and asks the friends to guess. The next time, the friend writes their answer and then draws another picture of choice.
Sharing book recommendations: Sharing titles of books that your child enjoyed reading is a great way to encourage each other to go visit their local library!
These are some of the ways that my daughter has written to her friends in the mail chain. I'm sure there are other great ideas. Please share them in the comments!